Master the Snake and Cat Duo How to Handle Yumi Sin and Fit Kitty


How to handle his snake yumi sin and fit kitty – Prepare for a wild ride as we delve into the intricacies of handling Yumi Sin’s elusive snake and the enigmatic Fit Kitty. This dynamic duo will have you outplaying opponents and securing victories in no time.

Unleash the serpent’s venomous strikes and Kitty’s agile prowess as we explore their synergies, item builds, and strategies for dominating the laning phase and teamfights.

Handling Yumi Sin’s Snake


Yumi Sin’s snake is a versatile tool that can be used to engage, disengage, and outplay opponents. To effectively use the snake, it’s important to understand its basic mechanics and controls.

Basic Mechanics

  • The snake is controlled by the mouse cursor.
  • To summon the snake, press the ‘E’ key.
  • To recall the snake, press the ‘E’ key again.
  • The snake’s range is limited by the length of the leash.
  • The snake can be used to attack enemies, deal damage, and apply crowd control.

Effective Use in Combat

The snake can be used in a variety of ways to engage, disengage, and outplay opponents. Here are some tips:

  • Use the snake to poke and harass enemies from a safe distance.
  • Use the snake to engage on enemies who are out of position.
  • Use the snake to disengage from enemies who are chasing you.
  • Use the snake to scout for enemies and vision.
  • Use the snake to bait enemies into traps.


Here are some strategies for using the snake to outplay opponents:

  • Use the snake to create a zone of control around you.
  • Use the snake to force enemies to move in a certain direction.
  • Use the snake to interrupt enemy channels and abilities.
  • Use the snake to tank tower shots and jungle camps.
  • Use the snake to create opportunities for your team to engage or disengage.

Synergizing with Fit Kitty

How to handle his snake yumi sin and fit kitty

Fit Kitty is an excellent partner for Yumi Sin due to her mobility, crowd control, and damage potential. By combining their abilities, you can create deadly combos and control team fights effectively.

Combo Synergies

  • -*Q + E

    Fit Kitty’s Q (Pounce) can be used to engage enemies, allowing Yumi Sin to follow up with her E (Swift Slash) for a guaranteed hit.

  • -*W + R

    Fit Kitty’s W (Zap) can stun multiple enemies, setting up Yumi Sin’s ultimate (Final Spark) for maximum damage.

  • -*E + Q

    Yumi Sin’s E can be used to slow enemies, making it easier for Fit Kitty to land her Q and secure a kill.

Team Fight Control

  • -*Fit Kitty’s Ultimate (Nine Lives)

    This ability grants Fit Kitty multiple lives, making her incredibly durable in team fights. This allows Yumi Sin to focus on dealing damage without worrying about her safety.

  • -*Yumi Sin’s Passive (Echo)

    Yumi Sin’s passive grants her bonus attack speed and movement speed after using an ability. This synergy allows Fit Kitty to take advantage of Yumi Sin’s increased mobility and attack speed to deal even more damage.

Itemization for Yumi Sin and Fit Kitty

Itemization plays a crucial role in enhancing the strengths of Yumi Sin and Fit Kitty, allowing them to dominate the battlefield. This section will delve into the optimal item builds for both champions, analyzing core items and situational options that maximize their abilities.

Yumi Sin

Core Items:*

-*Duskblade of Draktharr

This item provides Yumi Sin with essential lethality, allowing her to deal devastating critical strikes. Its passive grants her invisibility after casting her ultimate, making it easier to initiate fights or escape dangerous situations.

  • -*Youmuu’s Ghostblade

    This item enhances Yumi Sin’s mobility and damage output. Its active grants her a significant burst of movement speed, enabling her to chase down enemies or reposition quickly.

  • -*Edge of Night

    This item provides Yumi Sin with a spell shield that blocks a single enemy ability. It also grants her lethality and armor penetration, increasing her damage potential.

Situational Items:*

-*Serylda’s Grudge

This item reduces the armor of enemies Yumi Sin hits, making it easier for her and her team to deal damage. It also provides a slow on her basic attacks, helping her stick to targets.

  • -*Mortal Reminder

    This item is essential against champions with healing abilities. It reduces their healing effects and grants Yumi Sin armor penetration, making her more effective against tanky opponents.

  • -*Infinity Edge

    This item increases Yumi Sin’s critical strike damage, making her critical strikes even more devastating. It is a powerful late-game item that can significantly boost her damage output.

Fit Kitty

Core Items:*

-*Moonstone Renewer

This item provides Fit Kitty with increased healing and shielding power. Its passive grants her allies a bonus heal when she shields or heals them, making her an excellent support for her team.

  • -*Staff of Flowing Water

    This item enhances Fit Kitty’s healing and movement speed. It also grants her bonus ability haste, allowing her to cast her abilities more frequently.

  • -*Ardent Censer

    This item provides Fit Kitty with bonus attack speed and on-hit magic damage for her allies. It also grants her bonus ability power and movement speed, making her a formidable support for her team.

Situational Items:*

-*Mikael’s Crucible

So you’re wondering how to handle his snake yumi sin and fit kitty? It can be a bit tricky, but with the right approach, you can make it work. First, you need to understand how to handle his snake yumi sin.

This is a delicate creature that requires special care. Once you’ve mastered how to handle his snake yumi sin, you can move on to how to handle his fit kitty. This is a more active creature that will require more attention.

But with a little patience, you can learn how to handle his snake yumi sin and fit kitty and create a happy and healthy home for both of them. For more detailed instructions, check out this guide: how to handle his snake yumi sin and fit kitty .

This item allows Fit Kitty to cleanse crowd control effects from an ally. It also grants her bonus healing and magic resistance, making her more resilient in team fights.

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  • -*Shurelya’s Battlesong

    This item provides Fit Kitty and her allies with bonus movement speed. Its active grants her team a burst of speed, making it easier to engage or disengage from fights.

  • -*Chemtech Putrifier

    This item reduces healing effects on enemies Fit Kitty hits. It also grants her bonus ability power and health, making her more effective against teams with heavy healing.

Laning Phase Strategy: How To Handle His Snake Yumi Sin And Fit Kitty

How to handle his snake yumi sin and fit kitty

The laning phase for Yumi Sin and Fit Kitty is all about leveraging their strengths while minimizing their weaknesses. Yumi Sin excels at early-game skirmishes and snowballing, while Fit Kitty provides sustain and crowd control.

To ensure your feline friend’s safety and comfort around your snake, proper handling techniques are crucial. This comprehensive guide provides expert advice on introducing your pets, minimizing stress, and establishing a harmonious relationship between your snake, Yumi Sin, and your kitty.

By following these guidelines, you can foster a safe and enriching environment for both your scaly and furry companions.

During the early game, it’s crucial to focus on controlling the wave and trading effectively. Yumi Sin’s Q and W allow him to poke enemies from a safe distance, while Fit Kitty’s E and W provide heals and shields to mitigate damage.

By managing the wave properly, Yumi Sin and Fit Kitty can create favorable matchups and deny the enemy team farm.

Wave Management

Controlling the wave is essential for Yumi Sin and Fit Kitty. By freezing the wave near their tower, they can deny the enemy team farm and experience while also creating opportunities for ganks from their jungler. If the enemy team tries to contest the wave, Yumi Sin’s E and Fit Kitty’s Q can be used to disengage or initiate a trade.

Trading Effectively

Yumi Sin and Fit Kitty excel at trading effectively. Yumi Sin’s Q and W deal significant damage, while Fit Kitty’s E and W provide heals and shields. By coordinating their abilities, Yumi Sin and Fit Kitty can force the enemy team to back off or even secure a kill.

Securing Objectives

Once Yumi Sin and Fit Kitty have established a lead in lane, they can start to look for opportunities to secure objectives. Yumi Sin’s ultimate, Dragon’s Rage, is a powerful team-fight ultimate that can turn the tide of a battle.

Fit Kitty’s ultimate, Cataclysm, can also be used to disrupt the enemy team and create opportunities for Yumi Sin to engage.

Teamfight Positioning and Execution

In teamfights, Yumi Sin and Fit Kitty excel when positioned effectively to maximize their impact while minimizing risk. Yumi Sin’s mobility and burst damage should be utilized to engage or disengage as needed, while Fit Kitty’s crowd control and healing capabilities are best used from a safe distance.


Yumi Sin should prioritize positioning behind the frontline, using his mobility to flank and assassinate high-value targets. Fit Kitty should stay near the backline, providing healing and crowd control while avoiding direct engagement.

When you’re trying to keep his snake yumi sin and fit kitty happy, you’re gonna need a lot of patience. Just like how insurance agents need patience to help their clients find the right policy. Check out this article on how to increase insurance agent productivity to learn how to help agents help more people like you! Once you’ve mastered the art of patience, you’ll be able to handle his snake yumi sin and fit kitty like a pro.

Engaging, How to handle his snake yumi sin and fit kitty

Yumi Sin can initiate fights by using his ultimate to close the distance and burst down a target. Fit Kitty can follow up with crowd control, providing a window for Yumi Sin to secure the kill.


Yumi Sin’s mobility allows him to disengage quickly. Fit Kitty can provide a shield or heal to help him escape or reposition. By working together, they can minimize risk and maximize their impact.



Mastering Yumi Sin and Fit Kitty is a journey of finesse and teamwork. By understanding their strengths and weaknesses, you’ll become a force to be reckoned with. Remember, it’s not just about handling their abilities but also about harmonizing them for ultimate victory.

FAQ Guide

What’s the key to using Yumi Sin’s snake effectively?

Practice controlling the snake’s movement and using it to engage and disengage from fights.

How can I maximize the synergy between Yumi Sin and Fit Kitty?

Combine their abilities for combos, such as using Kitty’s W to enhance Yumi Sin’s snake attacks.

What are the best items for Yumi Sin and Fit Kitty?

For Yumi Sin, consider items like Trinity Force and Sterak’s Gage, while Fit Kitty benefits from items like Zeke’s Convergence and Ardent Censer.

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About the Author: Jason